Employee recognition software helps improve company culture by helping teams recognize employees’ workplace successes and important milestones. These solutions can help employees recognize one another for good work on a project, demonstrating company values, or for a life event like a birthday or an anniversary. Employee recognition software typically provides peer recognition and reward options via a portal that manages the delivery of points, gifts, gift cards, messages of recognition, digital badges, or certificates. An HR team member may be responsible for the software’s administration, but any employee can use the platform to recognize a coworker.
Recognition platforms can be used in any industry and across different teams in a company. Employers use employee recognition products to improve morale and make everyone feel valued for their work. These platforms can bring benefits such as increased productivity and engagement, higher employee retention, improved team culture, and greater employee satisfaction.
Employee recognition software differs from but is sometimes integrated or included within employee engagement software, which seeks to solicit employee feedback to drive positive organizational change.
To qualify for inclusion in the Employee Recognition category, a product must:
Facilitate rewarding employees with gift cards, tangible gifts, or messages of recognition
Contain a portal for managing the recognition process
Automate interactions or notifications for regularly occurring moments of recognition