When assessing the two solutions, reviewers found Salesforce Commerce for B2B easier to use and do business with overall. Reviewers felt that the products are equally easy to set up and administer.
Site is easily configurable & cognizable for you need
Need to have a demo version, so that potential users can give it a try before getting subscribed. Also, they don't display pricing upfront.
What I found to be most helpful was the adaptability, very easy to use/user friendly. I have used Salesforce at multiple jobs, and were able to customize the reports eaily to meet my day to day needs.
It's impossible to implement and set up the software yourself. You need an experienced developer (costs $100-300k) who usually needs 6-12 months to complete a fully functional website. Surprisingly, SFCC lacks very fundamental features every low-cost...
Site is easily configurable & cognizable for you need
What I found to be most helpful was the adaptability, very easy to use/user friendly. I have used Salesforce at multiple jobs, and were able to customize the reports eaily to meet my day to day needs.
Need to have a demo version, so that potential users can give it a try before getting subscribed. Also, they don't display pricing upfront.
It's impossible to implement and set up the software yourself. You need an experienced developer (costs $100-300k) who usually needs 6-12 months to complete a fully functional website. Surprisingly, SFCC lacks very fundamental features every low-cost...