Jesus F.
    Jesus F.
    Technical Recruitment Manager - Staffing and Recruiting

    User friendly and reliable

    "That is user friendly and clients like to see a pre interview before having to interview the candidates theselves"

    Ashley J.
    Ashley J.
    Project Manager - Primary/Secondary Education

    SparkHire has been a huge help for years!

    "I love the autonomy of the service. When working with our corps members we understand their busy schedules. Giving them the ability to complete on their own time has been a huge help!"

    Caroline Barnes C.
    Caroline Barnes C.
    Director of People & Performance - Food Production

    Straightforward and easy to use we began hiring within an hour of there demo

    "Spark hire has driven incredible efficiency through our hiring process. We can see a lot more candidates without hours of management time. The ability to go back and review the interviews later means you don't have to rely on your memory of a candidate. I'm one instance we hadn't shortlisted a candidate initially but after seeing a few more we went back and reviewed their video and invited..."