Baptiste M.
    Baptiste M.
    Responsable Acquisition - Consumer Goods

    Must have E-commerce App

    "Easy to use Easy to setp up Customer client service Affordable"

    Abdul Kadir Aziz T.
    Abdul Kadir Aziz T.

    Very good dynamic pricing software for Shopify

    "We have been using repricers on Amazon for years but we were not able to find a feasible repricing solution for Shopify. We are now actively repricing with Prisync for a while and it works as expected. If you are looking for a dynamic pricing software for shopify, Prisync is definitely the tool you want."

    Jan-Olov F.

    Helping find competitors price levels (and own mistakes)

    "They have mulitply updates per day of the prices for the products that we monitor, both our own and the competitors. They also have a fast response time on reported errors. And yes, all systems have flaws, bugs, errors. We also monitor our own prices and therefor we can discover if (when) we update our prices with the wrong prices. We have a huge amount of products and occasionally we might..."