Pathmatics platform is super easy to use. Pulls the information I need quickly. And lastly, their customer support has been fantastic!
The search results are extremely broad and it's sometimes hard to navigate the site. Also, some major competitors just don't show up at all in our searches.
It helps us to easily move data from popular marketing platforms to Google BioQuery in just quick simple steps. Amazing platform to rely on.
Nothing really. It helped us manage our marketing resources so well.
Pathmatics platform is super easy to use. Pulls the information I need quickly. And lastly, their customer support has been fantastic!
It helps us to easily move data from popular marketing platforms to Google BioQuery in just quick simple steps. Amazing platform to rely on.
The search results are extremely broad and it's sometimes hard to navigate the site. Also, some major competitors just don't show up at all in our searches.
Nothing really. It helped us manage our marketing resources so well.