Agent embedded in bios is why we started to look at Absolute Software 15 years ago to replace other solutions we used. We have been relying on the exceptional capabilities of Absolute Secure Endpoint since day one , and one of its standout features is...
I really dislike the way that I cant use this system when I need to do something that absolute does not do. When I need to track a device that is off network, I cannot do that with absolute, and its very frustrating. When I would like to retreive a device...
It allows fast access to sensitive and classified business info without worrying about the confidentiality theft. Further, I don't need to carry a separate device to be in sync with business mails and syncing with calendars.Good acts as a security layer...
The app for Android Kit kat. Crashes frequently and has connection problems. Can't attach documents unless they are already in document library and you can't add documents to the document library manually. Another annoyance is that it limits the number of...
Agent embedded in bios is why we started to look at Absolute Software 15 years ago to replace other solutions we used. We have been relying on the exceptional capabilities of Absolute Secure Endpoint since day one , and one of its standout features is...
It allows fast access to sensitive and classified business info without worrying about the confidentiality theft. Further, I don't need to carry a separate device to be in sync with business mails and syncing with calendars.Good acts as a security layer...
I really dislike the way that I cant use this system when I need to do something that absolute does not do. When I need to track a device that is off network, I cannot do that with absolute, and its very frustrating. When I would like to retreive a device...
The app for Android Kit kat. Crashes frequently and has connection problems. Can't attach documents unless they are already in document library and you can't add documents to the document library manually. Another annoyance is that it limits the number of...